Saint Louis Aquarium

Results for: local-eats

Bloom Café

Until I walked into Bloom Café for lunch today, I never thought I’d have my hands wrapped around this warm, caffeinated cup filled with the distinct flavors of fall. Yes, I’m talking about pumpkin spice. Personally, I’m more of a peppermint mocha kind-of-person. The perpetual pumpkin spice obsession that plagues us every autumn never did

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The Mud House on Cherokee Street

“How does everything taste?” my bearded and bespectacled server at The Mud House asked. “Mmh, duhlishush” I mumbled back to him through a mouthful of egg, cheese and ham sandwich. Do all servers have such impeccable timing, or is that just my luck? He smiled warmly back at me before grabbing my empty soup cup

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Top 5 Bakeries Around St. Louis

The best bakeries around St. Louis are guaranteed bragging rights for their buttery breads and impeccable pastries. They each have unparalleled creativity when it comes to design, presentation and most importantly, taste. And when you’re looking for that scrumptious dessert spread at your next celebration, you turn to your trusted local bakeries to put their

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The Top 5 Candy Stores in St. Louis

Candy is everywhere during the holiday season, especially beginning around Halloween when it practically becomes its own food group. It’s piled high in pantries, waiting patiently to be devoured. It’s poured out of plastic pumpkin buckets onto the kitchen table where kids barter and trade for their favorites. Or it’s in that decorative dish on

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Top 5 Family-Friendly Patios for Fall in St. Louis

Another long, sweltering hot summer in the Lou is making us desperate for autumn’s cool embrace. The scenery of this season and the flavors of fall are well worth the wait! St. Louis’ weather is by all means unpredictable, as we still crank up the AC for that occasional 90 degree October day. Yet, it

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Dog Friendly Restaurants in St. Louis

Your four-legged, furry friends would follow you anywhere if they could, and luckily, more than a handful of St. Louis restaurants respect that bond and are happy to fly a dog friendly flag at their establishment. And let’s face it: whether you’re sharing a glass of vino with friends or trying out the new menu

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12 Most Unique St. Louis Festivals

It’s that time of year again…time to put off the yard work for the weekend, pack the kids into the car, and get out there and explore the great big world! What better way to see new sights, try new tastes, and live new adventures than to visit a festival? Here are 12 of the

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Best Pizza in St. Louis

We’d like to begin this article by saying we will NOT be telling you who has the best pizza in St. Louis. Why not? We don’t want to start a full on ‘Pizza War’! Opinions on what makes a good pizza in St. Louis vary as much as the toppings you can put on it.

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